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National Environmental Protection Work Conference convened to deploy 10 key tasks in 2018


On February 2nd and 3rd, 2018, the Ministry of Environmental Protection held the 2018 National Environmental Protection Work Conference in Beijing to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the spirit of the 19th Party Congress, and conscientiously implement the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference. Summarize the work progress of the party's 18th National Congress and 2017, plan to fight the battle against pollution, and arrange 10 key tasks in 2018. Minister of Environmental Protection Li Ganjie attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Meeting content:

Li Ganjie stressed that it is necessary to take Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the guide, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, resolutely fight the battle against pollution, continuously improve the quality of the ecological environment, and meet the needs of the people's growing and beautiful ecological environment.

Li Ganjie pointed out that the 19th National Congress has systematically summarized and focused on ecological civilization construction and ecological environmental protection, sorted out the new achievements in the past five years, and proposed a series of new ideas, new requirements, new goals, and new deployments to promote ecological civilization. Building a beautiful China has pointed out the way forward and fundamentally followed. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and ecological civilization construction and ecological environmental protection have entered a new era.

Li Ganjie said that 2018 is the first year of in-depth implementation of the spirit of the 19th Party Congress. It is the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up. It is a crucial year for deciding to build a well-off society in an all-round way and implementing the 13th Five-Year Plan. Everything is significant.

10 key tasks:

First, we must fully launch the battle plan to win the blue sky defense war. Formulate and implement the three-year plan to win the blue sky defense war, and introduce the implementation plan for air pollution prevention and control in key areas. Steadily promote clean heating in the northern region and speed up the elimination of small coal-fired boilers. Promote the increase of railway freight ratio and rectify the excessive discharge of diesel trucks. Continue to promote the ultra-low emission transformation of coal-fired power plants, start the ultra-low emission transformation of the steel industry, and strengthen the management of volatile organic compounds in key industries. Strengthen joint prevention and control of key areas and carry out regional emergency response.

Second, we must speed up the prevention and control of water pollution. Promote the rectification of black and odorous water bodies in 36 key cities and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and promote the cleanup and remediation of surface water drinking water sources in prefecture-level and above cities. Supervise and urge relevant localities to formulate and implement non-standard water body deadlines for compliance. Continue to promote industrial pollution sources to meet the standards. Supervise 25,000 villages to carry out comprehensive environmental improvement. Promote the prevention and control of pollution in key estuary bays.

Third, we must comprehensively promote the prevention and control of soil pollution. In-depth advancement of soil pollution status. Conduct investigations on enterprises involved in heavy metals industry. Accelerate the construction of pilot areas for the comprehensive prevention and control of soil pollution and the application of soil pollution control and remediation technologies. Promote the optimization of the layout of hazardous waste disposal facilities. Develop a chemical environmental management strategy. Promote the pilot project of “no waste city” construction.

Fourth, we must increase the protection of ecosystems. Complete the red line delineation of ecological protection in all provinces. Complete the survey and assessment of changes in the national ecological situation (2010-2015). A number of new national nature reserves will be built to promote the establishment of a protected land system with a national park as the main body. We will promote the construction of a practice innovation base for “Green Water Qingshan is Jinshan Yinshan” and launch the second batch of national ecological civilization construction demonstration cities and counties.

Fifth, we must strengthen nuclear and radiation safety supervision in accordance with the law. Comprehensively carry out the annual activities of the Nuclear Safety Law, coordinate and promote the implementation of national nuclear safety related policies, strictly control nuclear and radiation safety, strengthen nuclear and radiation safety risk management and control, improve radiation environmental monitoring capabilities, and promote national nuclear and radiation safety technology research and development bases. Construction. Construction of an integrated management system for nuclear and radiation safety supervision. Promote nuclear power safety supervision system and support nuclear power to go out.

Sixth, we must strengthen environmental law enforcement inspectors. Carry out the "review" of the central environmental protection inspector rectification, organize mobile and acupoint-specific special inspections in key areas of pollution prevention and control, and comprehensively carry out provincial-level environmental protection inspectors. Intensify supervision and control of air pollution prevention and control in key areas and areas, combat import waste processing and utilization industries and environmental wastes in solid waste distribution centers and hazardous wastes, special enforcement of waste incineration power generation industry, urban black and odor water remediation, centralized drinking water source environment Protection, "Green Shield" national nature reserves supervision and inspection and other six major actions.

Seventh, we must deepen reforms in the field of environmental protection. Effectively ensure the effective implementation of the “seed-measuring” separation mechanism for water quality in the surface water test section, and accelerate the construction of automatic stations and improve the national soil environmental monitoring network. Completion of six industry discharge permits issued by petrochemicals. We will comprehensively promote the reform of the vertical management system of environmental protection agencies below the provincial level. Promote the trial of the compensation system for ecological environmental damage in the country. Adjust the list of prohibited solid waste imports, strengthen the supervision of imported waste, and resolutely prohibit the entry of foreign garbage. We will improve the environmental credit evaluation and information disclosure system, and promote the comprehensive directory of environmental protection.

Eight must accelerate the development of green. We will promote the “three lines and one single” in the Yangtze River Economic Belt by the local cities and towns, adhere to the joint planning environmental impact assessment and project environmental assessment, and do a good job in the management of major projects in accordance with the law. Strengthen the comprehensive rectification of the "scattering pollution" enterprise cluster. Promote government procurement reform of environmental labeling products. Launch the “Beautiful China – I am an actor” campaign to mobilize the public to practice a green lifestyle.

Nine must improve support and support capabilities. We will promote the revision of laws, regulations and rules in the areas of soil pollution prevention and control regulations and discharge permit management regulations. Increase investment in short-board investment in the field of ecological protection. We will comprehensively promote the causes of heavy pollution in the atmosphere and tackle the problem of governance. Conduct the second national survey of pollution sources. Steadily promote environmental protection facilities to the public. Improve the ability to prevent and resolve environmental risks and properly respond to sudden environmental incidents. Launched the “One Belt, One Road” Green Development International Alliance and the construction of an eco-friendly big data service platform.

Ten must implement the political responsibility of strictly administering the party. In-depth study and propaganda to implement the "five major activities" of the spirit of the 19th Party Congress, serious political life within the party, and resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. We will continue to promote the institutionalization of the "two studies and one work" study and education, and earnestly carry out the theme education of "not forgetting the original heart and keeping in mind the mission". Adhere to the correct use of people, and build a team of high-quality professional cadres who are loyal and clean. Adhere to the "three sessions and one lesson" system and give full play to the political functions of grassroots party organizations. We will continue to implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and resolutely achieve "zero tolerance" for violations of discipline and corruption.

Li Ganjie finally stressed that it is necessary to fully cooperate with the reform of the ecological environment supervision system to ensure that all work is carried out smoothly and orderly. Effectively improve the quality of environmental monitoring data, build a responsibility system and working mechanism for preventing and punishing administrative interventions in environmental monitoring, and severely crack down on the fraudulent behavior of monitoring data.

Source: Ministry of Environmental Protection official website

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